Nickolas J. Wilson


Because I desire to free folks from mundane chores, I automate. Thus far, I have automated information-management and signal-processing chores by designing and constructing software. Within those domains, much more can be automated.

Much beyond those domains ought to be automated, too. I envision automatons laundering, serving drinks, putting away dishes, and cleaning restrooms--doing chores which are currently impossible for robots but tedious (and, in some cases, downright unpleasant) for humans. Due to the vast amount of automation to be done, I expect that I can spend the rest of my life automating. Maybe, just maybe, the glorious day will come that nothing remains to be automated.

Above all, I am a dedicated husband and father. My best and dearest friend is my wife. In loving companionship, she and I do all that we can to prepare our children, so they can become happy contributing members of society. My family brings me the greatest joy.

I was born and raised in Utah, shared the gospel of Jesus Christ full time in Jamaica, and then completed a bachelor's degree in mathematics at Brigham Young University. While I was completing my studies, I met and married my gorgeous wife.